In Contempt
In Contempt (2018)

In Contempt

(38 votes)



No complaints here, may not be to everyone's pleasure but works for me. Don't see why BET cancelled.

This show is phenomenal. Season 1 was incredible.

Started to love the serial as it took time to grow on u ,as it a serial with a difference . The lawyers quirks and crazyes makes it interesting and not the nomal other law serials.

I think the show has a lot of good content and view points that I really liked about it. They should focus more on the cases as well as the characters because otherwise the show will fail.

What dumb got it so wrong in canceling the show! Just seen the show and it was one of the best dramas I have seen them in a long time!

Not since the practice has a law show caught my attention like this one. Other then for the people which was also canceled.

First episode I thought it was going to be the same old same old, but each episode got better and better. Looking forward to upcoming episodes.

This show is sooo dope!! I love it!!

So, here we are, we have come full circle with procedural shows and it's now the turn of the legal profession to have a fictional drama, that is a regurgitation of the old style TV series such as Law and Order...With the exception that again, the script writing is poor and the acting terrible.
