I Met a Murderer
I Met a Murderer (1939)

I Met a Murderer

(11 votes)





My father was the stunt double for the scene were James Mason has to fall of a horse, my Father is 94 and and was an expert horseman. I have never seen him ride as he gave it up sadly when I was little, so it is a revelation to see him in action.

A huge thank you to the kind soul who posted this film on Youtube, which allowed me to see it. The other review on here tells all you need to know really, and thank you for that too.

A farmer murders his wife and runs from his farm to escape justice. He meets a writer of low brow fiction who realises he is a murderer but manages to convince him to go along with her in her caravan to where he is heading for, while writing secretly of the experience with him, seeing it as a way to make her name as a writer.

Mark, ein Farmer (James Mason), macht eigentlich einen redlichen wie sensiblen Eindruck. Aber seine Gattin Martha… Als sie seinen geliebten Hund abgeknallt hat, sehen wir in elliptischen Schnitten, wie der Erdhaufen für das Grab immer größer wird, das Mark aushebt.
