Hombre (1967)


(11 votes)




In one scene, the sheriff bemoans the risks of his job, saying that he's a target for some "punk" looking to make a reputation for himself; the term, meaning a young hoodlum, did not come into use until 1917, long after the time period of the film.

John Russell's sidearm during the film is a Colt Single Action Army revolver with a 7" barrel.

However, in the final scene where Russell is on the ground exchanging shots with the vaquero the revolver has changed to a modern (and not yet invented) large frame double action revolver.

The shotgun shells Mendez carries are a modern red plastic case.

Period shells were brass cased.

The horse the bandito is riding has a snap to connect the throatlatch.

None of the bridles of that day would have used snaps as they had not been invented at that time.

When John Russell is coming to Delgado to see Mendez, in the background are 3 or 4 farm vehicles working in the distance.

The sun can be see gleaming from one of them as it moves through a dust cloud it is making.


Laurel Awards 1967

Golden Laurel
Male Dramatic Performance
Male Supporting Performance

Box Office

1967 USA USD 12,400,000



There are plenty of people around that can enjoy a slow-paced western but this just isn't my thing! People sitting and talking a lot just isn't my idea of a good western.

A tough, sun bleached western from Martin Ritt, this is well served by fine performances and some tremendous cinematography from James Wong Howe.John Russell (Newman) is a white man raised by the Apaches, who travels by stagecoach with a group of people whose lives aren't as simple as we first believe.

Es un western sumamente interesante, el cual además de plantear el típico entretenimiento característico de este género (caravana con dinero que es asaltada por bandidos, traiciones, emboscadas, tiroteos, etc) también se busca hacer reflexionar al espectador acerca del tema de la discriminación por prejuicios, el individualismo, la dignidad de la persona humana y la eterna lucha entre los hombres "blancos" y los indígenas.En ambos planos es una cinta lograda: * A nivel acción es un filme que te mantiene atento a las circunstancias narradas, el argumento no se torna nunca previsible y por momentos se vuelve lo bastante atractivo como para dar por resultado una cinta intensa y entretenida.

Paul Newman reunites with "Hud" director Martin Ritt for this stark western. Newman plays John 'Hombre' Russell, a white man raised by Apaches who is shunned by the community as a result.

Hombre is right up there as one of my favourite Paul Newman films and it's a movie that isn't really spoken about when it comes to westerns and it definitely should be .John Russell , a white man raised by a band of Arizona Apaches, is forced to confront the society he despises when he sells the boarding house his father has left him.

No need to tell that the cast is fantastic and the camera impressive.What impressed me the most were the use of time and the dialogues.

Even in 2020 .Enjoyed watching this one Beautiful acting all round .

Hombre (Paul Newman) is a white Apache wrangling wild horses for stagecoaches, but they're soon shutting down with the approaching railroad. He has many names.

John Russell's reply to thug robber David Canary after he has shot holes in the stage's waterbags and asks Russell how far he's going to go from the robbed and disabled Stagecoach. Canary then realizes this is the same man that smashed him in the face with a Rifle butt after he harassed two of Russell's Indian Friends at Delgados earlier in the film when Russell still looked like an Apache.
