Holiday in Havana
Holiday in Havana (1949)

Holiday in Havana

(38 votes)




Released briefly as a Goodtimes VHS years ago, this Desi Arnaz B musical has seemed to have fallen off the face of the Earth. It's Desi without Lucy, and his as romantic and charming as ever, basically playing himself, involved in the same type of pratfalls that he would later have on his hit TV series.

This is the first Desi Arnaz movie sans Lucy that I watch and all I have to say is WATCH IT!I was really impressed with Desi Arnaz's presence and one-liners here when Ricky Ricardo wasn't even around yet.

Dance, Ricky, Dance!

With a title like "Holiday in Havana", you might expect one of those overlit Fox Technicolor spectacles with Carmen Miranda mugging it up in the numbers. What you have is a black-and-white Universal Studios type of effort which looks like it requires a central comic.
