High Tide
High Tide (1947)

High Tide

(11 votes)





...but then I always love watching Lee Tracy at work, so that does make up for the lackluster execution of what could have been a good little mystery.

This is a film about a back-up singer to an Elvis impersonator spending some time in a small Australian town. Yet it's really a movie about a woman finding her daughter given away in infancy to an older relative.

This film is a masterpiece of family relationships. The score by Pete Best is emotional and beautiful beyond words.

There's a certain allure I've always found in discovering the great unknown film. These discoveries have nearly always been dramatic stories.

Lee Tracy and Don Castle are trapped, dying in a crashed car at the beach. Flashback.

This is one of those fine Aussie films that come along every so often, that we're truly blessed to see it. Real characters, real people, just like some of the good and great actors in this film, convincingly present.

This is another nice lesson of the imaginative inspiring little movie,done away the assembly-line. it must be mentioned that part of the success really must be attributed to the author of the novel - Raoul Whitefield' a forgotten name' but a good artist of the tough-guy school.

Judy Davis stars as a backup singer to an Elvis Presley impersonator, who after being sacked by the imitation Man From Memphis rents a seaside trailer home by sheer chance right next door to the teenage daughter she abandoned as a baby. Once past that massive coincidence the story settles into a promising drama about a young girl's dawning awareness of her own identity, but the script reads too often like the unembellished daydreams of an adolescent orphan, wavering between sensitivity and self pity, and what should have been the emotional high points are smothered under some of the most portentous music in recent memory.

"High Tide" is a totally obscure but wonderful B-movie film noir from the Monogram mill. It opens with a car careening off a desolate seaside cliff -- its two occupants (Lee Tracy and Don Castle) injured and trapped in the wreckage.
