Guns of a Stranger
Guns of a Stranger (1973)

Guns of a Stranger

(74 votes)





Marty Robbins shows up to help Chill Wills and his grand daughter, Dovie Beams, keep their ranch, despite the local land baron, his henchmen and the local banker.It has all the earmarks of a vanity project for singer-songwriter Robbins, who sings the title song and about the one-hour mark, starts to sing a few songs in concert with his henchmen.

Here's a Western that would have been right at home as one of Gene Autry's flicks back in the Forties, but done in the Seventies with singer Marty Robbins in the lead role. It's not a particularly good one, filled with inconsistencies and a decided lack of acting ability by any of the principals.

Marty Robbins was a great singer who was gifted with one of the greatest voices to ever grace any kind of music. He made a few films but most are just vehicles for his singing.
