God Rot Tunbridge Wells!
God Rot Tunbridge Wells! (1985)

God Rot Tunbridge Wells!

(26 votes)





God Rot Tunbridge Wells a film made for British television is a one man show with Trevor Howard as George Freidrich Handel reminiscing about his life and his music which in point of fact was his life. Born in Germany which was no nation, but a geographical expression in 1685, Handel looks back on his life which took him to Italy and then finally to the United Kingdom where he lived and became something of a British celebrity.

God Rot Tunbridge Wells is essentially a monologue for the dying Handel, played by Trevor Howard (himself towards the end of his career). Handel looks back at his success, his sexual frolics, his benefactors, his critics and the cultural scenes he inhabited as well as mulling on matters of spiritual and musical significance.

OK presentation of George F. Handel's personal memoirs ("almost").

This is a film I go back to every couple of years, remembering how I enjoyed it the last time, and every (re)viewing reinforces my feeling that it is indeed a treat, a delight, a gem.First, of course, we have the Music.
