Crazy Famous
Crazy Famous (2016)

Crazy Famous

(46 votes)




An unexpected gem IMHO. The movie is full of funny moments that made me laugh out loud.

Terrible. i laughed twice before i gave up about 45 minutes in.

Bad writing, bad editing, bad acting and little racist. This movie was utter crap all the way through.

Totally enjoyed the movie. Who can't get over David Neal Levine as the most believable Dr.

This movie is wild and relatable because it directly pokes fun at our modern-day culture's obsession with being famous. The lead character, Bob, is a lovable, wide-eyed average Joe who will do almost ANYTHING to be famous.

I think audiences will be able to see themselves or someone they know in this movie. This film has a great premise that takes a few jabs at all the people in our society who will do anything to be in the spotlight.

I think audiences will be able to see themselves or someone they know in this movie. The film does a great job at taking a few jabs at all the people who will do anything to become a celebrity.

Say what you want about this film but I'm a believer in responding to a movie within the context of its intentions. This is a solid indie comedy, great performances all around, well shot and put together considering what I imagine were its budgetary restrictions.
