Andy (1965)


(43 votes)





Through the eyes of six-year-old Andy (Ryan Ko), we see how a father (Tae Geun Kim) reacts when his son returns from the makeup counter wearing lipstick. In just seven minutes, Director Andrew Ahn leads the audience through an array of images that initially appear ominous, but ultimately turn out to be innocent.

A party. An incident.

Andy (1969) ** (out of 4) This ten minute short from director Wakefield Poole had him going to the Whitney Museum to film an exhibit of work by Andy Warhol. He filmed various parts of the exhibit and then added a Hindu sounding music score and used editing to try and bring everything to life.

I know the director of this film so I got a chance to see it years ago when I was a kid and then again recently when he started making bigger movies. Eric Forsberg is a very talented director and he has a great eye for the street and bizarre.

Andy Chadakis is forty and mentally retarded. He lives with his elderly parents in a modest NYC apartment.

I don't know anyone who has seen this wonderful film from 1965 starring Norman Alden as a mentally-challenged 40 year old living with his aging parents in New York City. He gives an incredible performance in a career where he usually portrayed stooges and tough guys.

I caught this once on TV many years ago, and waited for a few years to see it again on TV, and the second viewing confirmed my original impression - a cast of unknowns, headed by Norman Alden, made a beautiful small film that should be released on DVD as soon as possible. Alden played mostly heavies in the films I'd seen him in before, and this was a revelation - he was totally believable and very expressive with his movements, something talented big men can do like no others.

This short film is moving and touching.It leaves you with unanswered questions.
