And Then Came Lola
And Then Came Lola (2009)

And Then Came Lola

(15 votes)




Tampa International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival 2009

Audience Award
Best Supporting Actress



I actually watched this before I watched Run Lola Run (the German film that this is sort of based on), so my initial opinion was unbiased. Very rarely do I turn a film off but this was one of the few- I think I only made it about half an hour in.

Relax kick back and let Lola do the heavy stressing. This is a fun flick that deals with coming to terms with ones own flaws and sort of letting others deal with themselves.

Well, my 1st review, not gonna be long winded about it, basically one of the worst re-workings of a foreign film I've seen."Run Lola Run", the German film this was based on was an edge of the seat, fast paced film with a true sense of urgency heightened even more by the banging techno soundtrack.

I really don't understand what everybody is complaining about as pretty much every movie is a ripoff or homage of another. This one simply happens to do it in a fun, lesbian friendly fashion.

I enjoyed this movie and find it humorous that some are insulted that it references the classic German film "Run, Lola, Run." So what?

Yes Run Lola Run was made quite some time ago (and this movie too as you can see), so I guess it's ok to make your own spin on it. In this case a lesbian version, which will remind quite some folk how really good the original movie is.
