American Idiots
American Idiots (2013)

American Idiots

(69 votes)





Kudos to all filmmakers who make non studio backed films. 'American Idiots' is definitely meant for those who enjoy the guilty pleasures of raunchy movies.

If you can get past the terrible acting, voicing and effects, it's not too bad. After half the movie I thought it was alright and some of it was pretty funny, by the end of the movie I liked it.

FIRST TIME-:::this is my first time on IMDb review I FELT LIKE WRITING THIS IT WAS AWFUL ............. started with some silly things...

It was an okay trip. I felt like one of the guys in the movie.

Well, I must admit that I didn't really have much of any expectations for this 2013 movie titled "American Idiots", aside from it being a comedy and a road trip movie.Turns out that this movie from director Robert Taleghany and writer Jeffrey T.

SPOILER ALERT - this movie is tuuuurrrrrrible.Hilariously bad, this is the perfect movie to do an 8-ball full of coke to before you paint the walls with the back of your skull.

I've seen a lot of bad movies, but this one takes the cake. Low technical standards, bad acting, not to mention a over the top cheesy story.

Yeah, only watched the movie for 20 minutes. It is the most disjointed, nonsensical film I've had the pleasure of starting in years.

This is indisputable the worst movie I have ever watched (of course for a few minutes). The concept was stolen from Hangover 2 except that its filled with disgusting and very stupid scenes.
