A World Unseen: The Revenant
A World Unseen: The Revenant (2016)

A World Unseen: The Revenant

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Director Eliot Rausch has done an excellent job bringing us the short documentary 'A World Unseen: The Revenant', introducing us to the production process of 'The Revenant', along with a commentary from the Oscar-winning director Alejandro González Iñárritu, who speaks both for the movie's production with all its ups and downs, and also for a bigger problem related to global warming and how the native American population is slowly being banished from its own lands. Leonardo DiCaprio also spoke of the tough process that he had to go through in order to entirely fit his character's demeanor and view towards the nature surrounding him.

The main stars of this documentary are the native Indians choose by the fine director Alejandro G. Iñárritu from several tribes from USA and Canada, just few things are told about the picture itself, locations, some interviews with DiCaprio, Tom Hardy and others, and how they had moved to Argentina to finish the final scene, due the quickly change of weather and lack of snow in Canada, so Alejandro spoke the choice process for each specific native Indians trying fit them properly on characters, also he did let the native Indians talk about the poisoned environment that their lands becomes by petroleum industry, hydropower plants and their huge Dams flooding great portions of hunter fields, many stories were told by many Indigenous ethnicities, sad stories by the way!!

"A World Unseen: The Revenant" is a 44minute live action documentary from January 2016, so this one is almost a year old. It was made by Eliot Rausch and features interviews with Leonardo DiCaprio and Alejandro G.
