Linara Washington



Linara Washington was born in the little town of Beaufort, SC to a beautiful Brazilian woman and an American son of a preacher man. Her mother spoke no English at the time, which has given Linara the added benefit of being fluent in Portuguese. She is currently adding German to her list of languages and is hoping to conquer French, Italian, Japanese, and Hebrew. Her time in South Carolina was brief, as the next sixteen years were spent moving from college town to college town. All in all she has lived in over 14 states and short stint in Brasil when she was still a baby. During a three-year stop in St. Paul, Minnesota, Linara attended The Blake School where she began to cultivate her love of acting. While at Blake she had the pleasure of attending many shows at the famous Guthrie Theatre , painting, making jewelry, reading, and writing among other things. She is currently working on two screenplays; one of which is an adaptation of a stage play she wrote seven years ago on The Hottentot Venus.

  • Primary profession
  • Actress·producer·writer
  • Gender
  • Female





Is a graduate of the University of Chicago with a degree in English.

Speaks fluent Portuguese. Her mother is Brazilian.

Has two younger sisters: Lais and Leandra

Guilty pleasures include dark chocolate, diet Dr. Pepper, Dolma, and Ruffles Sour Cream and Cheddar Chips. YUM!

Is a writer, dancer and painter in her off time.

Would love to make a film in Australia, Africa, or Japan.
