Johnny Terris



Dutch/Canadian Johnny Terris is an accomplished actor, known for playing the snarky lead therapist Manny in the award winning, multi-nominated television series Sex & Violence and corrupt cop Buddy the award winning feature film North Mountain. He was born in Toronto, Canada on July 3rd and resides in Vancouver, British Columbia.

  • Primary profession
  • Actor·director·editor
  • Country
  • Canada
  • Nationality
  • Canadian
  • Gender
  • Male




Is of Dutch, Irish and Scottish heritage.

Wears a chrome cobalt denture for a missing front tooth that was knocked out playing road hockey. He refuses to get it permanently replaced because he considers it an asset to play certain characters, and removed it to play corrupt police officer Buddy in North Mountain.

Started out in, and was part of the punk rock scene in the 1980s, and was one of the influential directors/actors of the underground film movement of the period.
