Joey Lever



Josef Lever opened his first Youtube account in 2007 under the name of iStation3, he made all kinds of videos on Windows Movie Maker but they were usually just images with music over. Joey did this up until he got a Mac and started experimenting with different cameras i.e FlipHD, GoPro and Cannon 55OD, also the software; Final Cut Pro, Photoshop, Premiere and After Effects. This allowed him to make more polished videos and also to create many mini movies. Joey set up his main account DiGiTiLhEaRt in May 27, 2009 and deleted his iStation3 account shortly after. From the start of his career He was given some Ear pollution Earphones from iFrogs to review them to his Youtube audience They said "He was a standing ovation" at the office and got to keep them. After he got some funding from various jobs in 2010 he made is very first film Bloody Hell 2 a few months later he made Bloody Hell 2 that screened at the Phoenix Theater at the Demon FM Film Festival and came 2nd in Best Film Award, Joey Also won a trophy for Best Editing for the competition "Two Spires with his short Reminiscence. In 2011 Joey won a charity competition for The Leicestershire and Rut-land branch of the Motor Neuron Disease He won £1,000 worth of consultancy time with a web design company, by creating a video mentioning why they deserve to have the money. In the end the MNDA never spent the money on a website they hired two professional student web designers to create a website for them in their free time and used the £1000 to buy new technology for the organization. Now in 2013 Joey and his channel Digitilheart have racked up 10,000,000 Views on youtube and also gained 20K+ subscribers.

  • Primary profession
  • Editor
  • Gender
  • Male



