Heather Wolf



  • Primary profession
  • Miscellaneous·actress




For those who have known pain and suffering and wondered why it all happened. . . I don’t know the reasons why, I just know that you must keep believing in hope and eventually you will get through.

Music transcends the boundaries of language.

With a hope and a prayer, you can get there.

Always cherish your true friends who were there when no one else was.

Life can be very hard sometimes and you wonder why, but a little compassion is sometimes all anyone needs to get by.

There is no such thing as tough love. Love is kind, love is compassionate, love is tender.

Kindness is like a warm blanket of snow, softly covering and gently touching the heart.

Just a little drop of kindness can water a whole garden.

Always do your best to be loving and kind to others.

Just a little loving kindness is sometimes all anyone really needs.

Be gentle and kind all the time.

In this world we must try to be kind to one another.

With just a little drop of kindness you can water a whole garden.

Practice loving kindness wherever you may go.

There can never be too much loving kindness or chesed.

Be healing with your words, be tender with your words, be gentle with your words and watch your words bring gentle, tender healing in the hearts of others.

It is sad that in this world people put great merit in what a person has more than what a person is.

Gossip is a Sin just like all other sins that not only hurts those it is spoken about and slanders their reputation, but it also hurts the one who speaks it and the one who listens. Gossip is cruel & usually is a result of jealousy or bitterness. Either way, Stop the cycle of gossiping and start being loving instead.

You matter because you are you and there is no other person in this world who could ever take your place.

It is a sad thing to me that in this world a persons value is measured by the size of their wallet.

True love knows no boundaries.

Happiness is spending time with the one you love without a worry or a care.

Every day is a new day to hope, dream and try again.

Use your voice for good in this world, it may not seem like it is getting you anywhere, but in the end good wins.

Sometimes it can be really rough, but I believe if we love one another more, we can help to share the burdens and make the world a better place.

Be gentle, kind and loving as often as you possibly can.

Tenderness, mercy and love, we all need more of.

Be loving and kind all the time.

Gossip, slander and jealousy have caused more pain than many wars.

My heart longs for the day when there will be no more suffering, no more hatred or violence, only love and a child will be able to grow up in a world without ever having to know the pain and anguish of an empty belly. .
