Costa Mantis



Costa Mantis grew up on a farm in Reading, Pennsylvania where he began work in his grandfather's restaurant at the age of 6. He shot and developed his first still photo at age 12; started his first novel at 16; and made his first award-winning short "Laughing Stock" at age 20. His next film was the acclaimed "Reading 1974: Portrait of a City", a feature-length documentary about his hometown in change, which ended up on PBS, at the Museum of Modern Art and new granddaughter moved to Thousand Oaks in 2004 and Costa joined them there in 2006, returning to Hollywood after a short and brilliant 27 years away. As an enduring renaissance man, he continues to write, direct and produce projects that challenge and inspire.

  • Primary profession
  • Production_manager·director·cinematographer



(May 2006) Thousand Oaks, California
