

(6 votes)

The First Poems / The Next Poems (Double Volume)

"In the past few years, Mutabaruka has risen to prominence as the foremost Jamaican poet...." -- The San Francisco Examiner & Chronicle"Mutabaruka is Reggaes premier dub poet.

About Mutabaruka

Jamaican dub poet.


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"If you're looking for an insight to Jamaica's underbelly - poverty, violence, racism and classism, Mutabaruka is one stop shopping. His lyrical beautiful poems reach out and grab you by the ears and take you for a turbulent ride across a sea of hot topics.
Mutabaruka is back in a beautiful book with perfect heft. It feels good in the hand.
I discovered Mutabaruka when vacationing in Jamaica and was delighted to find this collection of his new and current poems. Every time I read one I feel like I was transported back to that wonderful island and the friendly people.
This is an unusual and enthralling collection for a number of reasons. The format is brilliant; his early poems are presented under a cover on one side and if you flip the book over, the new ("Next") poems stand on their own, under another cover.
