Brant Cortright
Brant CortrightIntegral Psychology

Integral Psychology

(29 votes)
Integral Psychology

Yoga, Growth, and Opening the Heart (S U N Y Series in Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology) (S U N Y Series in Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology)

Integral Psychology connects Eastern and Western approaches to psychology and healing. Psychology in the East has focused on our inner being and spiritual foundation of the psyche.


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Brant Cortright's Integral Psychology was for me a reader's digest version of the entire history of Psychology and Transpersonal Psychology into the even deeper realms of our being with Shri Aurobindo's " Integral Yoga". His "map" showed me, in a remarkably concise way, the ever deepening paths of the west and the profoundly deep offering from the east of growing through the opening of our hearts and souls.
