Adam Rayner



Adam Rayner was born in Shrewsbury, England but grew up near Norwich in Norfolk. Having an American mother and a British father means he has dual nationality, and the family lived in the United States when he was a child, albeit briefly, before returning to East Anglia. He attended Durham University, and whilst there became a member of one of the university's drama groups. After graduation he took the two-year course at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art before beginning his career on the London stage- in the American play 'This Is Our Youth', where he understudied the star, Matt Damon, taking over from him for the final two weeks of the run.

  • Country
  • United Kingdom
  • Nationality
  • British
  • Gender
  • Male
  • Birth date
  • 09 May 1977
  • Place of birth
  • England
  • Spouses
  • Lucy Brown
  • Education
  • Durham University





Holds a dual citizenship for the UK and the United States.

His mother is American and his father is English.

Has one brother, Matthew Rayner.

Attended London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art and Durham University.


"Homeland" (2011) is a thriller with a lot of cloak and dagger,spy stuff, which is one of the things that makes it so much fun.

British audiences tend to want to see their own lives reflected on TV,whereas American audiences are quite aspirational and enjoy,high-concept shows that show them lives that are perhaps slightly more,exciting than they aspire to.

Everyone working on "Tyrant" (2014) wants to present the world,and the issues in it in an intelligent, open, fair, non-reductive kind,of way. For the actors, we have to try and make these stories as,truthful and compelling as possible.

I was always interested in it when I was younger, but it was when I was,at university, getting together with other like-minded theatrically,inclined types, that I admitted to myself that I wanted to be an actor.

I certainly have a sliver of me, which is definitely American, and feels,a great pull towards where I spent time when I was very young, which is,in California.

My mother is American. I first went to school in America, and we came,back when I was about six to rural Norfolk. In primary school, I was,teased immediately and mercilessly. I probably dropped that accent,within about 10 days.

On "Tyrant" (2014) : You have to understand that the people who,were involved in it. . . I was just thrilled that I was sent the script.

To be honest, unless you rocket straight to stardom as a gorgeous young,vampire, you can spend a lot of time working behind a bar.
