Nora Roberts



Nora Roberts is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 200 novels, including Come Sundown, The Obsession, The Liar, and coming in December 2017, Year One -- the first book in The Chronicles of The One. She is also the author of the futuristic suspense In Death series written under the pen name J.D. Robb. There are more than 500 million copies of her books in print.

  • Primary profession
  • Casting_director·miscellaneous
  • Country
  • United States
  • Nationality
  • American
  • Gender
  • Female
  • Birth date
  • 10 October 1950
  • Place of birth
  • Silver Spring· Maryland
  • Residence
  • Boonsboro· Maryland·Keedysville· Maryland
  • Education
  • Montgomery Blair High School
  • Knows language
  • English language






Bestselling author of over 100 romance novels.

Children (with first husband): sons Daniel, Jason.

First author inducted into the Romance Writers of America Hall of Fame, 1986.

Chose her pseudonym "J.D. Robb", under which she writes the popular In Death futuristic crime series, by combing the initials of her two sons Jason and Daniel

Over 250 million copies of her books are in print, and she has had over 40 best selling titles

Met her husband Bruce when she hired him to install more bookshelves.

Biography/bibliography in: "Contemporary Authors". New Revision Series, volume 166, pages 348-357. Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson Gale, 2008.


People tend to push books that are good for you, like broccoli instead,of ice cream.

When you find somebody you love, all the way through, and she loves you—even with your weaknesses, your flaws, everything starts to click into place. And if you can talk to her, and she listens, if she makes you laugh, and makes you think, makes you want, makes you see who you really are, and who you are is better, just better with her, you’d be crazy not to want to spend the rest of your life with her. (Carter Maguire),I’ve never been the one. Not for anybody. ”He closed the distance between them. “You’ll get used to it. ” He tipped her face up to his, kissed her. “Why? Why am I the one?”“Because my life opened up, and it flooded with color when you walked back into it.

know what you want, work to get it, then value it once you have it.

Damn me to hell or take me to heaven, but for Gods sake, do it now. . . .

A woman with romance in her life lived as grandly as a queen, because her heart was treasured.

You can fix anything but a blank page.

Good fiction creates its own reality.

Nodding, Parker ate. “He’s an exceptional kisser. ”“He really is. He How do you know?” When Parker just smiled, Emma’s jaw dropped. “You? You and Jack? When? How?”“I think it’s disgusting,” Mac muttered. “Yet another best pal moving on my imaginary ex. ”“Two kisses, my first year at Yale, after we ran into each other at a party and he walked me back to the dorm. It was nice. Very nice. But as exceptional a kisser as he is, it was too much like kissing my brother. And as exceptional a kisser as I am, I believe he felt it was too much like kissing his sister. And that’s how we left it. I gather that wasn’t an issue for you and Jack.

The story was told, generation by generation, in song and in story, until time misted it into myth and legend. But some believed, as legends brought comfort.

He gave her a quick, casual kiss on the cheek first. Then came the hug, and it was the hug that always made Laurel’s heart mush. Serious grip, cheek to the hair, eyes closed, just a little sway. Del’s hugs mattered, she thought, and made him impossible to resist.

Parker: She believed, absolutely, that each person, each heart, had a counterpart—had a mate. A rightness. She’d always believed it, and understood that unshakable belief was a reason she was good at what she did.

I want you. I want you under me and over me and around me. And you want.

If it winds up earlier, you should have a movie picked out. This is assuming she isn’t sending you the ‘let’s go back to my place’ signals. In that case—”“Don’t go there, Bob. Let’s just not go there.

Remind me not to piss you off Red. You might aim for the heart and shoot me in the balls.

Change--savor the cool, fresh flavor of it.

I go to Ireland. Walk along an empty beach. When I do, I think of all the people who have walked there before, and will walk there again. Then it occurs to me nothing is forever. No matter how bad or how good, everything passes and moves on to another level.

Brother, when beauty falls into your hand, you hold on to it while you can. You could be dead tomorrow. Well, that’s. . . inspiring.

Feeling too much is a hell of a lot better than feeling nothing.

Family’s the luck of the draw, Lena. What you make of yourself, because of or despite it, that’s where the spine and heart come in.

Shannon: Only the living suffered. Only they were riddled with guilt and regret and unanswered questions.

Creative is my god. Technology my cherished lover.

Words have magic. Spells and curses. Some of them, the best of them, once said change everything.

Everything I know, I learned from dogs.

A bit of sniffles and men are more work than a brood of babies.

You have to believe in it to get it. . .

Love and magic have a great deal in common. they enrich the soul, delight the heart. And they both take practice.

Anything worth anything can be found in books.

Fate. You could never anticipate it.

To fate and the strange way that it twists us all together.

Evil cannot and will not be vanquished by evil. Dark will only swallow dark and deepen. The good and the light are the keenest weapons.

He hated this feeling of free-floating, just drifting from place to place, thought to thought, without any sense of anchor or root.

When we destroy it. " She spoke clearly now, steadily now. "If it comes in a form with a dick, I will personally castrate it".

And each book has to receive your best effort every single time. No slacking.

She fell silent, remembering the jolt of envy and longing she’d felt when she’d framed the Browns in her viewfinder. Now, weeks and miles later, it was another jolt for Bryan to realize she hadn’t brushed off the peculiar feeling. She has managed to put it aside, somewhere to the back of her mind, but it popped out again now as she thought of the couple in the bleachers of a small-town park. Family, cohesion. Bonding. Did some people just keep promises better than others? she wondered. Or where some people simply unable to blend their lives with someone’s else, make those adjustments, the compromises?When she looked back, she believed both she and Rob had tried, but in their own ways. There’d been no meeting of the minds, but two separate thought patterns making decisions that never melded with each other. Did that mean that a successful marriage depended on the mating of two people who thought along the same lines?With a sigh, she turned onto the highway that would lead them into Tennessee. If it was true, she decided, she was much better off single. Though she’d met a great many people she liked and could have fun with, she’d never met anyone who thought the way she did. Especially the man seated next to her with his nose already buried in the newspaper. There alone they were radically different. ”For more quotes visit my blog: frommybooks. wordpress. com,It’s never simple. ” Avery slid an arm around Hope’s waist. “It shouldn’t be. Because being with someone should matter enough to be at least a little bit complicated.

She walked with a ghost of herself, one full of potential and possibility. One who was fearless. Where had that girl gone?,People in hell want snowcones.

He loved his job. What was advertising, anyway, but a knowledge of people and of which buttons to push to nudge them into opening their wallets?It was, he often though, an accepted, creative, even expected twist on picking those wallets. For a man who had spent the first half of his life as a thief, it was the perfect career.

Survivors lived with their mistakes.

There was nothing like a Saturday - unless it was the Saturday leading up to the last week of school and into summer vacation. That of course was all the Saturdays of your life rolled into one big shiny ball.

Grab it while you can because tomorrow could suck you dry.

Writing had never become routine for him, but remained a constant surprise. He was always surprised at how much fun it was, once it all got moving. And never failed to be surprised at how bloody hard it was. It was like having an intense, frustrating love affair with a capricious, gorgeous, and often mean-spirited woman. He loved every moment of it.

We all look. The lucky find. The wise accept.

Alone in her shelter, she allowed herself tears. When her shelter cooled to the touch she called to Gull, “Coming out!” She eased her head out into the smoky air, looked over at Gull. She imaged they both looked like a couple of sweaty, parboiled turtles climbing out of their shells. “Hello, gorgeous. ”She laughed. It hurt her throat, but she laughed. “Hey, handsome.

Witches, he thought. Always rhyming.

Some people get lifetimes, some get moments. I’ve got to tell myself it’s what you do with what you get that counts.

The wounded recognized the wounded.
