
Why should I worry about this story that has just begun? It seems like I am sorry for a song that I have sung My hat is kinda oversize 'cause I just have fun No space is left for the rest of what is going on It's such a situation where you're stuck in your own time We call it obligation to admit that we are fine Just tell your destination that you're gonna be delayed You have to build your own excuse for what is being played


External comments

Leon Vega
Leon Vegabest track ever, its underrated
ØLAFOmfg. First year of college, first time going on a real “school trip” and we were just getting back from the trip . There was loads of traffic, so it was super late when we got back, it was pitch black with the car lights and the city lights wizzing past us, and this song is playing for the first time on my shuffle mix. Just me, this song and the long long car trip ahead. I listen to a lot of electro genre stuff, but this song just printed itself in my head because of that one memory. Fuckin love this track, seriously. 11/10
Bronwyn Jones
Bronwyn JonesSuch a pretty song. Reminds me of the mid 90s
jaypirate31Always thought this was one of the better attempts at recapturing Discovery-era Daft Punk. Still solid.
reichardt anna
reichardt anna
Maximiliano López
Maximiliano Lópezrepeat and repeat and repeat
Sava Larry
Sava Larryall time favourite from 07..bring back so much good memories..
J Dav
J Davholiday music.
nbydummyfucking so good
Nexus 74
Nexus 74This kick snare combo is killer!
Xiones─────────────────────────▄▀▄ ─────────────────────────█─█ ─────────────────────────█─█ ─────────────────────────█─█ ─────────────────────────█─█ ─────────────────────────█─█ ─────────────────────────█─▀█▀█▄ ─────────────────────────█──█──█ ─────────────────────────█▄▄█──▀█ ────────────────────────▄█──▄█▄─▀█ ────────────────────────█─▄█─█─█─█ ────────────────────────█──█─█─█─█ ────────────────────────█──█─█─█─█ ────▄█▄──▄█▄────────────█──▀▀█─█─█ ──▄█████████────────────▀█───█─█▄▀ ─▄███████████────────────██──▀▀─█ ▄█████████████────────────█─────█ ██████████───▀▀█▄─────────▀█────█ ████████───▀▀▀──█──────────█────█ ██████───────██─▀█─────────█────█ ████──▄──────────▀█────────█────█ Look son! ███──█──────▀▀█───▀█───────█────█ A good song! ███─▀─██──────█────▀█──────█────█ ███─────────────────▀█─────█────█ ███──────────────────█─────█────█ ███─────────────▄▀───█─────█────█ ████─────────▄▄██────█▄────█────█ ████────────██████────█────█────█ █████────█──███████▀──█───▄█▄▄▄▄█ ██▀▀██────▀─██▄──▄█───█───█─────█ ██▄──────────██████───█───█─────█ ─██▄────────────▄▄────█───█─────█ ─███████─────────────▄█───█─────█ ──██████─────────────█───█▀─────█ ──▄███████▄─────────▄█──█▀──────█ ─▄█─────▄▀▀▀█───────█───█───────█ ▄█────────█──█────▄███▀▀▀▀──────█ █──▄▀▀────────█──▄▀──█──────────█ █────█─────────█─────█──────────█ █────────▀█────█─────█─────────██ █───────────────█──▄█▀─────────█ █──────────██───█▀▀▀───────────█ █───────────────█──────────────█ █▄─────────────██──────────────█ ─█▄────────────█───────────────█ ──██▄────────▄███▀▀▀▀▀▄────────█ ─█▀─▀█▄────────▀█──────▀▄──────█ ─█────▀▀▀▀▄─────█────────▀─────█ ─█─────────▀▄──▀───────────────█
Anarcho Monk
Anarcho Monki get the chills and a sort of euphoria when this tune comes up...
PermaNoobGood Tune.
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