A Day's Wait

Altered Images Happy Birthday A Day's Wait a day's wait because my train was late my train, it didn't come it just didn't come


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James Parker
James Parker5 years to reply. lol that's some time that.
Frege100Sorry it has taken me 5 years to reply but I have been trying to save the last of the Saharan Rain Forest. Sadly I couldn't find it. The 1st album was deffo my fave. Given the limitations of Clare's voice the producers role was always a big one and I prefer the Severin influence. The band seemed to have a bit more identity then. Not that the latter records we not great (with the exception of song sung blue which was not an exercise in irony but should have been) and Clare's smile is wonderful. I saw it close up once just off the King's Road and... thanks for posting!
Nelson Sanchez
Nelson Sanchezno habia escuchado completo el disco, solo 4 canciones...estoy impresionado de la calidad del grupo y obviamente de Clarec omo vocalista. Gracias por todos los post con las canciones del disco.
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