Paulo Freire
Paulo FreireÓrgão + Batucada = Samba
Órgão + Batucada = Samba

Órgão + Batucada = Samba

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About Paulo Freire

The Brazilian educator Paulo Freire is among most the influential educational thinkers of the late 20th century. Born in Recife, Brazil, on September 19, 1921, Freire died of heart failure in Sao Paulo, Brazil on May 2, 1997. After a brief career as a lawyer, he taught Portuguese in secondary schools from 1941-1947. He subsequently became active in adult education and workers' training, and became the first Director of the Department of Cultural Extension of the University of Recife (1961-1964).Freire quickly gained international recognition for his experiences in literacy training in Northeastern Brazil.


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