You Don't Know Jack
You Don't Know Jack (2001)

You Don't Know Jack

(69 votes)




Al Pacino at the top level of his acting. The writing is not exceptional as is "just" follows the true story of Jack.

Pacino, Goodman, Huston, Sarandon, all these old farts are at the top of their game even now. The storyline is strong, in fact, its a true story, but the important thing is how Pacino carried it on his shoulders.

YOU DON'T KNOW JACK is just a remake of half the celebrity biopix since THE JOLSON STORY. An admirable man courageously lives his dream, but his intentness of purpose comes with the disadvantage of personal isolation, a failure to achieve intimacy.

A biopic that is at times really hard to watch, but does an admirable job in telling things as they are - even if it is 'just' a movie. In America, this issue is still...

There are very few films that I think should be seen by every adult over the age of 30. This is one of them.

If women have control of their bodies, then that in turn transfers to men and all. If someone wants to die (be aborted) they have that right.

You Don't Know Jack is a long movie but it never feels long, in fact it could have been longer for me, as for that the biographical story is too important and debatable (or not). Logically it's a farce that it's debatable because everybody should be able to make the decision to end his own life or not, and certainly when you are incurably sick and in a lot of pain.

Al Pacino. You see.

When I first saw the HBO logo at the beginning I thought "crap this a made-for-TV movie?" I was pleasantly surprised by the cinematography & absolutely blown away by Al Pacino's portrayal of Jack Kevorkian.
