XII (2008)


(51 votes)





The movie is about a criminal who escapes from prison and targets those who were jury members who found the killer guilty. It's...

Well, where shall I start with this one? It starts off OK with one guy getting his head blown off driving along the interstate.

I saw this film in the video shop yesterday and decided to give it a try. When I saw what ratings this film got here, I was sort of put off but at the same, I had high hopes that this might succeed in me giving it at least a 6.

Its a cookie cutter slasher with slightly better acting than average but the real saving is Mercedes Mcnab as Vicky, an actual ''smart'' character in a movie with one of the dumbest most ignorant protagonists ever who only ever grow some courage once every single other person is dead.

At least the movie lets you know how horrible it is from the get-go.From the first five minutes you get treated to tired clichés, sub-par writing delivered by untalented people playing pretend rather than actually acting, you get to witness cinematography that is on par with a passionate hobbyist who lacks actual experience and the audio for the actors sounds like it's coming out of a shallow can.

A man gets out of prison and goes on a killing rampage of those who were on the jury. 12 jury members, 12 people to kill.

This is a typical example of a young film company trying to prosper by making films in every genre. This movie has no explanation as to why the killer does what he does, Horrible direction, and sub par acting.

A 'just married' couple are driving through Las Vegas accompanied by a musical soundtrack that sounds as if it has been lifted straight from Hawaii Five-O. Everything is going well until the groom has his head blown away by a passing driver.

Nick Searcy is the only real actor in this movie and he is hampered by bad writing and directing.The two female leads are pretty bad.
