Wrong Way Butch
Wrong Way Butch (1950)

Wrong Way Butch

(12 votes)





Butch is an idiot and does everything wrong in his workshop. It's all stupid and I fear that it inspired guys like the Jackass gang.

The Department of Labor was behind this amusing short wherein actor/writer DAVE O'BRIEN plays a bumbling steel plant worker who makes one careless mistake after another while handling dangerous tools.Played strictly for laughs, it also served as a public safety announcement and was rightfully Oscar nominated in the best short film category.

Wrong Way Butch (1950) *** (out of 4) Oscar-nominated Pete Smith short was made with the U.S.

A Smith called Pete, in cooperation with the US Department of Labor, offers the audience a cinematic essay on how to perform a job safely, by showing us Dave O'Brien not doing so. In an industrial plant, yet!
