Trash Truck
Trash Truck (2020)

Trash Truck

(22 votes)



We are VERY selective when it comes to shows we let our 2 year old watch. This show is at the top of our list of favorites with the likes of Mr.

I stumbled across Trash Truck with my 2 year old and we are both in love! I love the animation, characters, and theme song.

My two year old watches these episodes over and over again! I have to say we don't mind watching them with him!

This show was a big hit with my 2.5 yr old instantly!

My son is two years old and completely obsessed with the trash truck that comes to our house every Thursday. He runs outside and waves, and sometimes the driver will even wave back.

I'm pretty selective with what I let my almost two year old son watch and we both love this show! My son is obsessed with everything about it down to the catchy whistle theme song.

"Trash truck" the cartoon series is a return to simple age appropriate cartoon stories for preschoolers. This series perfectly captures the innocence and thought process of a preschooler.

Not only is this cartoon well written, but it debuted at a time when my granddaughter noticed the 'Trash Truck' outside! She runs around yelling trash truck, trash truck.

My four year old son and I love this show, Americans living in Australia, talking animals that interact with humans.....and a really cool Trash Truck???
