The World's Funniest Animals
The World's Funniest Animals (2020)

The World's Funniest Animals

(41 votes)



Too many people not enough animals.

I keep waiting every week for different clothes .but always the same why.

I really like the show despite all the talking. If there wasn't at least a host it would be a 30 minute long YouTube video on prime time.

Holy crap! I can't believe that someone actually hired this woman to host anything more important than a kid's birthday party.

To be sure, there are a lot of great, funny animal clips in these. The third episode was especially good.

Sure the video clips of the animals are cute, and it would be better if the whole show was only that. Please, no more talking heads making inane comments, and no need whatsoever for the stupid laugh track - if it is funny I know when to laugh.
