The Trade
The Trade (2003)

The Trade

(62 votes)





These cops bust some poor user over s 20 sack don't ever get big dealers drug war is a was of time. They act like heroes while they destroy lives of for people who need substance abuse classes not jail time.

Police idol worship. Even Nazis had their followers.

You are NEVER going to change humans and their vices. I could barely get thru a quarter of this first episode.

"The Trade" (Season 2 released in 2020 4 episodes of about 50 min. each) brings a brand new story arc that has nothing to do as such with Season 1.

This is a completely scripted movie with some old CZW clips. It might be interesting if you haven't seen those old matches, but if you hadn't you wouldn't even know this exists.

The victims ARE the Mexicans. All the options available in America and people choose drug addiction and self destruction hurting their loved ones.

I've never been a big wrestling fan, but I enjoyed this! It really captured this weird, crazy, shocking world of death-match wrestling and why people step into the ring and do this.

This documentary shows all of the angles of the drug trade via a high quality production. Very impressive.

I've seen a lot of documentaries on drugs and addiction, and this series belongs at the top with the best of them.Mathew Heineman (who also directed Cartel Land and City of Ghosts) delivers more evidence of his incredible talent for capturing difficult stories in dangerous places-while delivering perspectives from people caught right in the middle of it all.
