The Legend of Cocaine Island
The Legend of Cocaine Island (2018)

The Legend of Cocaine Island




This was lots of fun!!! Raw and honest story telling, and Will Farrell is making the movie version.

I fell asleep about one-third of the way and did not finish it..... The backstory on each of these people was not that interesting.....

I'm not giving this a bad review just to trash the movie and make myself feel superior. This story was just so drawn out- I don't even know why I kept watching it.

Entertaining and informative documentary! And it really highlights how incredibly stupid the war on drugs is, and just how incredibly stupid the people who are leading this war really are.

Yes the wife is one of the most annoying humans on the planet but she has small enough airtime not to truly ruin this excellent comedy/documentary! Most I have laughed in a long time and was gripped to the screen first moment to last.

This story was interesting but the key players were comedic characters. Their personalities were so goofy it was a slap stick comedy of crime to say the least.

This would have been much better as a stoner comedy. And from all the blundering about, it is just so obvious that this could have been great in a different format.

Considering the topic I thought this would be way more interesting. Sure it's a good story but most of the documentary is spent on uninteresting, drawn out interviews.

Honestly it is a waste of time, very bad, the wife cries for not having had so much luxury from one moment to the next, she never worked, the daughter compares drug addicts with dogs, I love dogs but it is still a derogatory comment, look completely because it likes to finish, they recreate everything, a joke. The fat man knew more than all the people who were in the meeting ...............
