The Legacy of a Whitetail Deer Hunter
The Legacy of a Whitetail Deer Hunter (2017)

The Legacy of a Whitetail Deer Hunter

(34 votes)




If you are not a hunter this film might not interest you. But as person that has a passion for the outdoors plus hunting and fishing and happens to be a parent, I really enjoyed this movie.


This film is very organic, the dialog is just natural just American hunters talking with their heart it will probably warm yours, and the story is very simple no outstanding shots or cinematography you will be thinking by the middle of it that it's just another Netflix filler with nothing else to offer but a couple hours of good ol couch entertainment, and although it is true that this is not one of those movies that will have you cracking up every 2 seconds or on the edge of your sit for the action sequences; It does offer something that not every movie offers. A not so obvious message for the audience, and a moral that is not just evident like other movies.

If you thinking to not watch this off reviews alone that would be a mistake. I'm not sure if it's meant to be funny or not but it has funny moments but I definitely enjoyed the endearing qualities it possessed with timely music.

Holy crap!

Movies like this only pisses you off, a stereotypical American hunter dad brings his spoiled nagging brat into the woods and videodocuments their journey with his friend. A pure rubbish script, poor acting even from Brolin.

I absolutely loved this movie! Not only are there some great father and son bonding moments, but there is a great cast and some good comedy too.

This is a movie about the struggles of raising a pre-teen in the conflicting social and family environments that are typical of much of America.Avid hunters seem to hate it because the hunting trip depicted isn't representative of a typical hunting excersise.
