The Last Romantic
The Last Romantic (2006)

The Last Romantic

(12 votes)




Denver International Film Festival 2006

Emerging Filmmaker Award


*Written in response to the review, "I found this film to be self indulgent, and amateurish. It comes off like the scribblings of a not very self aware young person who does not have much to say...

I found this film to be self indulgent, and amateurish. It comes off like the scribblings of a not very self aware young person who does not have much to say, and takes too much time to say it.

Every year hundreds, if not thousands, of small, privately funded independent films fall through the massive and gaping cracks of Hollywood and get little notice. Pray to whatever god you may worship this is not one.

You have two poems, a shocking deficit of pocket change, a bad night's journey into day and all of paternal New York—with its unrelenting absurdities and primordial pool of transparent opportunities—waiting, with bated breath, for your verse. Just waiting.

I'm not sure what previous reviewers saw in this film, my theory is that they are struggling artists and this movie gives hope to any writer or director that their half-baked drivel can also make it into a movie. That's all this movie is...
