The Grand
The Grand (1997)

The Grand

(56 votes)





Let me begin by saying the series never blew me away, but hooked me enough to see what happened through the end. During both seasons, I wasn't crazy about all the acting or how many episodes ended dramatically and began the next with all the excitement missing and momentum stalled out.

I am unsure why all the actual actors said yes to making this movie... I like poker and poker movies but this is without a doubt one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

I thoroughly enjoyed season one. I became so engrossed I actually imagined they were real people.

Someone liked season 1 better- not me. I thought season 2 held up and episode 6 was my favorite.

I really love this movie ... some of the set pieces are exquisitely timed and are truly very funny, Woody Harrelson is very good throughout and holds everything together well, Chris Parnell is at times hilarious, Gale Kaplan and Werner Herzog put in two brilliant top drawer comic cameos, and even Phil Gordon manages a good deadpan performance (much, much better than his poker?

Great cast Chris Parnell, David Cross, Jason Alexander, Werner Herzog, Cheryl Hines(of Curb Your Enthusiasm), among others all in an improv comedy about the world of poker. All actors are at the top of their game here, but by the end of the movie almost everything has gone flat.

I'd be hard-pressed to even classify this as a 'real' movie...It's more of a display of Penn's attempt at 'riding on the edge' of any conventional-type comedy film, meaning it's an (obviously)'improvisational comedy that centers around a cardgame ('The Grand')...

Yes, its silly, but so was Spinal Tap, which The Grand owes a debt to in many ways.Gabe Kaplan is hilarious as the father of two poker pros and Dennis Farina has the old time Vegas hood down pat.

If you like and have played Texas hold 'em, you will find this movie entertaining as s**t ;] and you will rate it 9/10.I like and have played Texas hold 'em......
