The Aeronauts
The Aeronauts (1967)

The Aeronauts

(69 votes)



Good movie to watch with your family, but there were some unrealistic things that caught my attention about this movie, such as the ability for the characters to withstand extreme freezing temperatures without even trying to bundle up or protect their hands/fingers. The other unrealistic part is that the movie takes place in 1864, yet there are black, East Asian, and South Asian people shown in England as if they were ordinary (and also high class) English people.

Unlike some other commentators, I don't mind that "The Aeronauts" takes liberties with history, least of all that the pilot of the main balloon flight to include the real scientist James Glaisher (the narrative is an amalgam of adventures detailed in a book) that the picture is based on is replaced with a fictional female character (who is said to be inspired by the historical balloonist Sophie Blanchard, while sharing the first name of the more-famous aviatrix, Amelia Earhart). The problem, however, is that the semi-historical fiction on the ground here is dull.

I was on the edge watching this movie from beginning to end. I LOVED the fact that Amelia Wren was fictionalized since the real James Glaisher took off on this adventure with Henry Coxwell.

This film could be great but the director has decided that the feats of the real people are less important than pleasing the PC brigade. All too common these days.

This movie is good to watch with kids and someone who admire the sky and fly would love it for sure.

This is a nice, clean movie. With troubles.

I love her and one day will marry her lol. It is such an amazing movie!!!

I can see the outrage of those who aren't in support of replacing one of the characters with a female, or (gasp!) an ethnically diverse cast but this shouldn't affect the scores to the extent where you give a film like this 1 or 2 stars.

A total disservice to women of science. There are many many women who contributed greatly to the advancement of science but to base a film on true events and distort those events does no one any good.
