Teen Musical - The Movie
Teen Musical - The Movie (2020)

Teen Musical - The Movie

(27 votes)



I rarely make a pass on films. I usually encourage watching things for yourself but this you can skip on and save some time.

This movie reminded me what it was like to be a teenager again it is very authentic and jesus was in it too! there was music in it which was surprising and i dont like surprises they throw me into a rage but this time when it surprised me i didnt damage the drywall on my room that badly so that was nice and shoed me maybe this is a good movie for the family to watch when they dont want to be as violent as normal.

LOVE IT! For those of us who were in GLEE or High School Drama, this community movie will bring back memories.

This film is the work of many, and in support of the many artists who came together and shared their talent, I am giving it a thumbs up. It is the first film of an aspiring director, and it was a very big goal to take on.

I really enjoyed this movie. Good Family Entertainment story.

Watch TV shows like Next Step and Backstage instead.

I think it's a great musical. I loved the acting in the film.
