Taken Down
Taken Down (2018)

Taken Down

(32 votes)



The main inspector is great and the story is interesting. The pacing is slow and ultimately the ending is deeply flawed.

African refugees are housed in a Direct Provision Centre in (or near) Dublin, Republic of Ireland. In this series we are mostly focused on the death of a young Nigerian woman w/subplots of sex trafficking, and general individual & societal adjustments surrounding immigrants.

It made me laugh, to see how many people used the word "Slow" in their reviews here on IMDb.Really?

Slow was Broadchurch. Took me like a month to get thu it( which I'm glad I did).

Loved the lead cop Jen but too slow and inconclusive. How they didn't know about the brothel and how no suspects were followed and how on earth they didnt stumble onto Gar is beyond me.

This show would have gotten a zero, except that the excellent actors deserve a nod, and aren't to blame for the awful story.This ugly tale involves tortured, raped, kidnapped, trafficked and murdered young teenaged girls.

Yeah ok slow and brooding. Decent storyline with heaps of potential to be an awesome series.

High recommend this gripping portrait of a slice of life in today's Dublin. Similar to the excellent Love/Hate in how it captures the atmosphere perfectly.

This COULD have been excellent but it just drags on. The police seem like dimwit dullards.
