Tag Team Truckers
Tag Team Truckers (2018)

Tag Team Truckers

(48 votes)



Reel East Texas Film Festival 2018

Reel East Texas Film Festival Reel Award
Best Supporting Actor


What a nice surprise. I watched the trailer and I thought I "might" enjoy" this indie film.

Two very different brothers make a sudden decision to become commercial truckers. Their differences give a lot of room for gags and comedy, and the superb acting does the rest.

An indie film that's a really fun ride. If you're looking for a different type of comedy then you'll be in for a treat with Tag Team Truckers.

Benny asks his girlfriend to marry him with a ten dollar ring that he bought at flea market, she rejects him and kicks him out, then he later ends up losing his job and has to move in with his OCD brother Dom, who is constantly annoyed by Benny's exasperating habits and ways. The college drop out (Benny) tries to search for work but fails at convincing anyone to hire him.

If you have siblings, or any family dynamics, you will love this film. A feel good movie about two brothers that discover the best in each other.

Good chemistry between the brothers. Chuckled out loud a few times.

All smiles! Well a tug or two on the heartstrings....

This movie was quite the treat and had me laughing through and through. One of the main characters is a totally screw up but it's lovable and his shenanigans are fun to watch.

Fun story about two contrasting brothers. Michael Morford is particularly likeable in the lead.
