Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars
Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars (2017)

Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars

(50 votes)



Behind the Voice Actors Awards 2018

BTVA Anime Dub Movie/Special Voice Acting Award
Best Male Lead Vocal Performance in an Anime Feature Film/Special



I noticed this trend with game animations, then CGI movies, just like this one: everything happens slower than in a real film. You can test that by playing a film at 2x speed, then at 3x speed.

Both "Starship Troopers" the book, and the 1997 movie, are classics. The present movie in no way measures up to them.

This is not your father's Starship Troopers, the OG movie that still stands up today despite its many flaws. This CGI version is very much more like the original 1959 book.

It's hard to find a worthy introduction here because this is more of a mess than a movie. After everything that spawned after the original movie, everyone was so much in hope that one day there will a sequel or spin-off that kinda got the idea of part one and continued it in a decent manner.

Whatever meaning the novel and original movie Starship Troopers had is lost in this anime sequel that borrows its main character from Metal Gear Solid. This is not Rico, it is Big Boss.

I can't believe they spent more than $50 on the computer graphics for this movie. Like a poorly done first person shooter from the 90s.

**This may contain spoilers** The original movie was a masterpiece, and its really hard to match.U get it why they did cgi instead of live action.

I wasn't expecting much from this CGI movie after a few failure to this franchise. Seriously though, it is smart to bring back Rico and Diz, it somehow let fan like me to reconnect once more.
