Star Warp'd
Star Warp'd (2002)

Star Warp'd

(14 votes)




It lacks the sophistication of Robot Chicken to be sure, but if you want to see your kids roll on the floor, then this is a good one to check out!

This almost-masterful stop-motion short film may seem like just another "Star Wars" spoof, but that's where it gets you. It is, in fact, a warped and twisted lampoon of "Star Trek," as well, because the universes of these two sci-fi juggernauts are somehow fused in a storyline involving a monolith, a crazy crew, RoboCop, and a spoof of "The X-Files" (starring agents Moldy and Scummy).

Look at the DVD package and you'll know to expect references to Star Wars, Star Trek, Terminator, ET and RoboCop. But they don't mention quick cameos from X-Files, Predator, Alien, 2001: A Space Odyssey and a set homage to Back To The Future.

Prior to renting this DVD, I had never heard of this short movie and from the cover didn't expect much from it. There was one comment on the back which said it was hilarious or something similar, but said comment was probably written by a critic eager to get his/her name published on the back of a DVD case.

Mostly, it just needed to be shorter, might have had potential then. Bad claymation and 90's computer graphics aside, it lacks the self-awareness necessary to pull it off.
