Shark Week
Shark Week (1987)

Shark Week

(26 votes)




Golden Trailer Awards 2019

Golden Trailer
Best Documentary (TV Spot/Trailer/Teaser for a series)
Most Innovative Advertising for a TV/Streaming Series



During the opening credits, a muscular man appears in chains. The key to escape is thrown into a swimming pool by cigar-smoking Patrick Bergin (as Tiburon).

For The Asylum, Shark Week is not their worst or quite awful enough to be one of them. That doesn't stop it though from being a complete failure in every area, and that's even when you know what to expect.

Who ever did the editing needs to never work again.... I thought something was wrong with my TV until I played it twice...

I don't mind seeing a man torn apart by sharks, but it strains my credulity when the sharks ROAR while they do it. The 8 kidnapped victims all have their hands locked in chains, but the chains are so loosely wrapped it shouldn't take them more than two minutes to get loose.

Discovery channel has failed! Over and over again.

This is "Whale Wars" for sharks. 60 min episodes that are dragged on and on with overhyped forced and phony drama of things that never materialize into anything entertaining.

Horrible movie but still fun and cheesy. Guilty pleasure for sure.

This should be made illegal. Such over hyped rubbish or even completely fabricated "facts" should be against the law.

That's 90 minutes of my life I'll never get back. Terrible acting, terrible graphics, terrible plot.
