Robot Riot
Robot Riot (2020)

Robot Riot

(22 votes)



A group of army soldiers volunteered to be part of Project Mechwood. What they didn't know was they were volunteering to have their memories wiped and be hunted by large killer robots inside a set perimeter.

First of all, the plot. Why would the military organise such a weird experiment?

The story doesn't make sense and there's no logic. But it has killer robots.

I have become so disgusted by all of the monumentally terrible modern Sci-Fi / Action simpleton films with zero substance and zero thought and creativity, that I am going to write my own Sci-Fi Action movie script, and it will be better than these pathetic movies. I have no idea what I am doing, I have zero education of any form regarding filmmaking or script writing.

Not the worst B movie ive watched filled hour and a half very nicely.

The machines were pretty realistic, if not a bit incompetent at killing people, due to the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (apparently). Comforting to know if that's how A.

Its surprising how proficient a lot of B films are becoming at actually being watchable. The rather oddly titled "Robot Riot" being a case in question.
