Power Rangers Mystic Force
Power Rangers Mystic Force (2006)

Power Rangers Mystic Force

(22 votes)


All seasons

Power Rangers Mystic Force - Season 1

Season 1




While the CGI didn't aged well (because it's obviously from the 2000s) but it still holds up. I'm not into magic fantasy but I'm into this (not as much as Dino Thunder or Time Force).

This series is so much better than ninja stormThe Rangers are Cool, The Zords are Not Half Bad, The Battlizer of this Series is Awesome and the Plot was not very Bad It's Like Harry Potter with Zords and RangersThe Villains of this series are great, the main villain octomus the master is one strong villain The Best Episodes of Mystic Force are Koragg's Trial, Dark Wish, Parts 1-3, Heir Apparent, Parts 1 and 2 and The Hunterschizophrenic finale, "Mystic Fate", Parts 1 and 2. I'd say the only great moments were Nick's brief turn to the darkness as Koragg #2 and the final moment where all the rangers, Solaris Knight and Leanbow join forces.

As someone who grew up on the original rangers and lost interest after Space, I've always been a bit wary of new series. Dino Thunder to this point is about the only one I have a love for and takes me back to being a little five year old girl glued to the TV every time Mighty Morphin was on.

Power Rangers Mystic Force is one of those seasons of a TV show you either love or hate there is not in between.Now I'm not saying this is the worse of the Power Rangers it just not one I would consider the greatest either it is just again love hateHowever there were some good moments from the series that made it worth watching.

This is my seventh favorite entry in the Power Ranger franchise. It's also one that's under the radar as this is one that doesn't really get talked about that much and has been forgotten.

This screened on Australian morning television last year and I was only mildly interested in it. It is now doing another round of re-runs and I must say it is growing on me...

One of the worst power rangers series ever made. It wasn't the "magic" that ruined the season but the characters and the filler episodes.

This is my first review, for a show that's been on for awhile, but I'm bored.Anyways, this season is a very mixed one.

I must say I was so saddened by this series. I've been a fan of Power Rangers ever since the very beginning and would never miss an episode.
