Patrick Still Lives
Patrick Still Lives (1980)

Patrick Still Lives

(65 votes)



Patrick still lives (1980)It's meant to be some kind of Italy sequel./remake to 1978 Patrick movie Partick talking to dad who in car and then passing car Thorws something out of it and makes his face bleed.

Patrick Still Lives (1980)** 1/2 (out of 4) Patrick is standing by the side of the road when a speeding van passes by and someone throws a bottle out. It hits Patrick in the head and soon he is in a coma.

I've seen nearly every Italian movie made from the 1970s to the late 80s and I have to say that this 'movie' is the trashiest of them all. Even trashier than CALIGULA-type of movie, including CALIGULA 2: THE UNTOLD STORY.

There really is no hope for coma patient Patrick Herschell (Gianni Dei): if he doesn't snap out of his catatonic state while gorgeous blonde secretary Lydia Grant (Andrea Belfiore), the object of his lust, feverishly masturbates mere inches from his face, then he never will!For several years now, poor Patrick has been a prisoner of his bed, unable to do anything but stare at the ceiling; he's been that way ever since a careless litter-lout threw a bottle from the window of a passing car, hitting him squarely in the face.

Patrick Still Lives is a curious piece of cult cinema; not for its content, but merely for the fact that it was made. Patrick was an obscure (and rather boring) Australian thriller released in 1978 and I doubt even the makers of it would have planned a sequel; but for some reason Giallo a Venezia director Mario Landi saw fit to direct a (presumably) unofficial sequel to it anyway.

Patrick (Gianni Dei) while standing along side of the road gets red liquid thrown in his face and goes into a lifetime coma. He is treated by his father Dr.

Patrick the comatose invalid with mind powers is back in this in-name-only sequel to the Austailian telekinesis snooze-fest "Patrick". This one starts of as boringly as the original, but thankfully the sleaze of this film's final hour has replaced the yawns of the first one.

Where to start with this one? It's a kind of sequel to an Australian film called Patrick, which had a comatose man killing people telepathically.
