Not Fade Away
Not Fade Away (1996)

Not Fade Away






Oh my gosh, that was awful! Definitely one of those two-hours-I'll-never-get-back movies.

I am not exaggerating, when i say this movie disappointed even my lowest expectations. And fair enough they were really low, having read some reviews, since the movie came out earlier in the US (I'm from Germany).

This is a movie that does not follow an exact straight line for the plot. It is not exactly sure what it is all about.

This is a movie about a band that DOESN'T make it. The movie starts around the assassination of JFK.

As a fan of Mr. Chase I ached for this work to take off but it never does.

That Thing You Do could have been a movie about me. Literally.

This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. And it's sad because James Gandolfini does a great job, as he always does, with his performance.

I don't want to say much about this film. The acting is above board which is to be expected from this cast and director Chase.

Not Fade Away takes me back to the Sixties when I would have been of the age that the young people of the film are in. Certainly the music was nostalgic enough and that will satisfy any number of fans.
