Noozles (1984)


(15 votes)


All seasons

Noozles - Season 1

Season 1


I miss this cartoon. I used to watch it all the time when it came on tv when I was a kid in the late 80s early 90s, the intro is one of my favorite cartoon openings ever, I wish it was on dvd, the animation is great too.

I was rather shocked to learn a few years ago that "Noozles," which I saw on Nickelodeon growing up in the late 1980s and early 1990s, was originally a Japanese animation (Anime') cartoon series that had been dubbed into English for North American audiences. Beyond that, I unfortunately do not remember a whole lot about this series.

I used to watch this show when I was a little girl. When I think about it, I only remember it vaguely, though.

There was indeed an ending, and what made this show so great was that the ending wasn't really a happy ending. Sandy was reunited with her father, but the only way he could come back from Koala-Walla Land was if Pinky and Blinky went back which they did.
