National Geographic: Inside 9/11
National Geographic: Inside 9/11 (2005)

National Geographic: Inside 9/11

(44 votes)


All seasons

National Geographic: Inside 9/11 - Season 1

Season 1



Primetime Emmy Awards 2006

Primetime Emmy
Outstanding Nonfiction Special



I think my biggest problem with the documentary was that it left out the collapse of Building 7 in NYC. How can a 47-story building that houses major US Government Departments and Records collapse without any of the "causes" that were attributed to the structural failures of the twin towers?

It's now 2011, ten years after the world as we knew it was changed by the attacks on 9/11. We've all seen endless news footage, documentaries, even Hollywood dramatizations of different elements of the tragedy and the subsequent "War On Terror.

I'm disgusted with the amount of material you guys provided on the parasites that attacked us. In the current hostile climate we live in, you've done nothing to disgrace growing radicalistic ideals.

There is much to look at and perhaps like the 9-11 commission report much to learn.I felt upon looking at the sequences of events, as events unfolded on the "Zero Day" disk that there was next to no ability to get the right information into the right hands.

Kudos to National Geographic; it's not easy making a four-hour show so gripping, so entertaining you can't keep your eyes off the screen. That's what they did here, breaking the program into two segments and having a minimum of commercial interruptions.

National Geographic's "Inside 911" and United 93 are without a doubt, the best DVD's on the Arab Islamic Terrorist attack on the United States. But while United 93 was narrowly banded, Inside 911 was far more comprehensive.

I sat down to watch this documentary with an open mind, but after about 20 minutes I realised that this wasn't truly an exploration of the subject in depth. The language was highly coloured with obvious intentions to lead the audience to a conclusion very lacking in nuance.
