Mr. Conservative: Goldwater on Goldwater
Mr. Conservative: Goldwater on Goldwater (2006)

Mr. Conservative: Goldwater on Goldwater

(21 votes)




Los Angeles Film Festival 2006

Documentary Award
Best Documentary Feature

News & Documentary Emmy Awards 2007

Outstanding Individual Achievement in a Craft: Research



Barry Goldwater was pro-choice, pro-LGBTQQ, and told the remains of his following to eject the Religious Right from the GOP due to what he called a blatant theocratic matrix of power that would destroy politics in America, essentially pre-saging the modern debacle of the Republican Party by 25 years. His sort of populist cowboy demeanor combined with austerity economic theory under the guise of anti-intellectual cherry picking of the Constitution was akin to the Ron and Rand Paul dog and pony show we witness today.

Another great American destroyed by the Soviet Union...oops i mean the liberal Biased press.

As a liberal who remembers Goldwater's run for the presidency, I was impressed by this honest portrayal of my adolescent "enemy." His libertarian ideals were well represented, even his stance against desegregation (that one cost him.

Admittably, I was fairly unaware of the importance of Barry Goldwater in US politics until viewing this film. As a left-leaning independent voter in my mid-30s, I am very interested in how the conservative movement has changed since the 1950's, and even more so since the 1970's.

This documentary gives great insight into the man that was Barry Goldwater. Liberal use of news footage and political ads give a great look at Goldwater the politician.

Just kidding about my title but I have to admit that this is a fascinating documentary regarding the life of Barry Goldwater.While a fiscal and military conservative, Goldwater certainly was not a social conservative. I've seen.

Excellent documentary about an interesting and iconic figure in American history. Barry Goldwater may have lost the 1964 election but was vindicated 16 years later with the election of Ronald Reagan as President.
