Motherless Brooklyn
Motherless Brooklyn (2015)

Motherless Brooklyn

(44 votes)



AARP Movies for Grownups Awards 2020

Movies for Grownups Award
Best Time Capsule

Camerimage 2019

Golden Frog
Main Competition

Hawaii Film Critics Society 2020

HFCS Award
Best Overlooked Film

Hollywood Music In Media Awards (HMMA) 2019

HMMA Award
Best Original Score - Feature Film
Best Original Song - Feature Film

International Film Music Critics Award (IFMCA) 2020

Best Original Score for a Drama Film

London Critics Circle Film Awards 2020

ALFS Award
Technical Achievement of the Year

Satellite Awards 2019

Auteur Award
Best Art Direction & Production Design
Best Cinematography

Society of Camera Operators 2020

Camera Operator of the Year Award
Feature Film

Visual Effects Society Awards 2020

VES Award
Outstanding Created Environment in a Photoreal Feature


This show starts off really good with some strong acting, the set is set up excellent and the conclusion is well intriguing.Yet fails ,went to long could of cut 20mins out was boring ,so by the end you really don't care what happens.

I am 76 years old. I grew up in Queens during the period of this film.

Totally unappreciated movie. Sound, music, picture, Norton, playing as a God, city and the atmosphere - all are perfect.

Lionel (the main character) seemed perfect to me in every way. The downside is the simplistic justification for Paul's actions and even Moses' fear.

Having a more or less clever script, ugly enough supporting actors to be in a 50's movie, excellent costumes and vintage cars is not enough to create an epic film. And what does it take to create an epic film?

Few can pull out a good movie while directing writing and acting in it. Edward Norton does it and his performance as the OCD/autism/Tourette challenged detective is one of his best and deserved an Oscar nomination.

Senseless drool. This was a terrible movie.

In the bonus track of the DVD of "Motherless Brooklyn," actor-director-producer Edward Norton describes the film as the story of "how the old city (of New York) got converted into the modern city in the late 1950s." This film project was nearly twenty years in the making, as Norton acquired the rights to an as yet unpublished novel, then completely rewrote it in his screenplay.
