Me Familia
Me Familia (2017)

Me Familia

(60 votes)




The movie jumps all over the place. The actors are not believable and the storyline makes no sense.

It is really good to know that there are people making real authentic crap such as this film. Totally entertaining for my Familia and friends.

This movie is a prime example of whats wrong with movies today ! Way too many of these independent films being made that are just garbage like Me Familia .

ME FAMILIA took me right back to all the mob films from the seventies that I know and love, not to mention, a certain cable series that shall not be named(damn that ending!) Sure there are no name actors or recognizable faces here, but these actors are really good, holding the tension high and even delivering some humor with some very witty banter.

I haven't watched many mob movies--so this was a fascinating movie to watch. Love all the details that went into it.

I can't tell if this is a for real attempt at a movie or if it is a spoof. Acting is hilariously horrid.

Poor script and story with woeful acting. Terrible direction, special effects (not so special!
